…pour un relationniste astucieux, audacieux, avisé et habilité Contre toute attente, un bon matin, votre routine habituelle est bouleversée quand vous réalisez que votre organisation « fait la une » pour les mauvaises raisons ou hors contexte. Votre réputation est maintenant exposée à de vives critiques ou du moins à la surveillance

The documentary World Youth Day Krakow: A Pilgrimage of Mercy opens with a quote from St. Pope John Paul II: “Remember that you are never alone. Christ is with you on your journey every day of your lives.”   It’s a quote that embodies the mission of World Youth Day:

At a critical juncture in my life I milked a cow and it changed my life. At the very least it greatly enhanced it. I was 21 and clueless about nature, the beauty and grandeur of God’s creation and likely quite self-absorbed. I had grown up in the very urban island of

The Official Catholic Directory, the authoritative source for all things Catholic in the United States, is marking quite a milestone this year — celebrating 200 years of publishing. “Dialogue and Grace is delighted to partner with the Directory’s new ownership to share the news of the many exciting developments underway,”

CNEWA Canada, an agency of the Holy See that supports Christians of the Eastern Churches and protects Christianity in the East, has partnered with Dialogue and Grace to carry out elements of its communications program in 2017. Serving those in conflict regions such as the Middle East, Ukraine, the Horn